WebMeeting Listening |
Business Site |
Reports |
NetTrax |
Voicecast |
Why am I Unable to Hear Anything?
If you are having trouble listening to WebMeetings, please read this section and follow the instructions.
If you continue to have problems, please contact customer support.>
Click here to test your computer for compatibility with the WebMeeting system.
Check that your speakers are plugged into your computer and turned on.
If you can hear sound from your speakers from other Internet sites, it is likely
you do not have the latest version of MS Internet Explorer™ or Netscape Navigator™ installed with Macromedia Flash™.
If you suspect you have an earlier version of either MS Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator or Macromedia Flash then do one of the following:
Download the newest version of MS Internet Explorer by clicking here.
Download the newest version of Netscape Navigator by clicking here.
Download the newest version of Macromedia Flash by clicking here.
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How Do I Listen to a WebMeeting?
It does not matter if a WebMeeting is multimedia or audio-only, the method for listening is the same.
You can listen to a WebMeeting in two ways: as a guest from someone's Business Site or as a registered member when you click the Listen link on the left menu in the WebMeeting section. In either case, select the WebMeeting to which you wish to listen from the right column of the table.
Listening as a Guest: When you go to someone's Business Site and click the Listen link in the right column of the WebMeeting table, you are asked to log in using your name and your e-mail address. Click the Submit button to begin listening to the WebMeeting.
Listening as a Registered User: As a registered user, log into the WebMeeting system and click the Listen link on the left menu in the WebMeeting section.
Controls: When you click the WebMeeting title, the system launches a new browser window. This is the Listening page. Controls at the top of the page allow you to listen from the beginning, skip backwards, click play to listen, skip forwards, stop listening, jump to a specific slide, turn on (or off) the display of slides, or exit the Listening page. The Listen Live, Ask a Question, and, Survey features are only available when you are listening to a live WebMeeting in progress.
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How Do I Register as a Member?
In order to host a WebMeeting you need to register as a user.
From the login page, click the Sign Up Today button.
Complete the registration process, including providing your credit card information.
Be aware of the following as you proceed through the registration process.
Tip: Press the TAB key to move from one field to another.
Pressing the ENTER key on your keyboard will send the information for processing -
an action you may not wish to do until you have completed the registration form.
Note: A red asterisk indicates a required field.
The system will only process your registration after all the required fields are filled in.
Username: The username is used each time you log into the system.
Password: Your password is also used each time you log into the system.
It should be between four and fifteen characters in length and contain only letters and numbers.
Submit: After you click the Submit Application button, the system will process your information and create your account.
The system will send you a Registration Confirmation e-mail message indicating your Username, Password, and other information.
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How Do I Take Part in a WebMeeting Survey?
You may vote in a WebMeeting survey if the host of a WebMeeting has set up a survey and as long as you are listening to the live WebMeeting. Not all hosts choose to set up a survey. Seeing the survey link depends on the person hosting the WebMeeting.
Once you click the survey link you will see the survey question. Select the choice that best describes your answer then click submit. Your answer is immediately tabulated with the other listeners in the WebMeeting and viewed in a bar graph.
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How Do I Ask a Question During a Live WebMeeting?
During a live WebMeeting you may wish to ask the host a question.
You can do this by clicking the Ask a Question link on the left, under the host photo.
This launches a one-way chat with the presenter.
When you type your question and click the submit button the host will be notified that a message was received.
If the host chooses to respond to questions from the listeners, he or she may do so orally during the WebMeeting or by responding via e-mail following the WebMeeting.
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How Do I Email the Host?
If you wish to email the host you can do so by using the Email The Host link on the left side of the Listening page.
Click the link and a pop up window will appear where you can type a message.
After you are through typing, click the submit button.
The WebMeeting host will receive your message via their email program.
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How Do I Create A Slide Show?
If your company has elected to enable the Multimedia WebMeeting feature, you will see a Slide Show Library link in the left WebMeeting menu.
You create a new slide show by clicking the Slide Show Library link of the WebMeeting menu.
You will see the Slide Show Library page where you can work with the Master Slide Shows.
To create a new slide show click the Create a New Slide Show link found at the top of the page.
After clicking the Create a New Slide Show link, enter the title of your new slide show and then click the Submit button.
There are two options for building slide shows: one way is to use the Online Slide Builder to build your own slide show using a variety of templates and slide types, the other way is to submit a MS PowerPoint™
slide show to customer support to be converted for use in WebMeeting.
The second option requires a $99 minimum charge for the first 20 slides and $5 per slide over 20.
To use the Online Slide Builder, click the Build Slide Online button.
When you do this the Slide Builder page appears.
This allows you to create a single slide at a time.
Enter the slide title in the first box.
If you would like the slide title to appear on the slide, click Yes.
Next, select the background template from the dropdown list to the left of the sample slide image.
Next, choose from the three slide types:
Paragraph Format, Bullet List, or Upload Graphic.
Use the Speaker Notes box to type any script notes you wish to use when presenting your WebMeeting.
Finally, click the Add Slide Content button to build the slide.
If you choose the Paragraph Format slide type, you will be taken to a page where you can enter the text for the slide.
You will also have an option to upload a photo.
This photo will be sized to 150 x 200 pixels to fit on the slide with your text.
The optimum graphic file size is under 10KB.
File sizes under 20 KB are acceptable, but those between 20KB and 60KB should be avoided.
File sizes over 60KB should not be used.
When you select the Bullet List slide type you will be taken to a page where you can enter up to six bullet points.
You will also have an option to upload a photo.
Finally, if you choose to create an Upload Graphic slide type you will be brought to a page where you can enter the file and path name of the graphic to be uploaded.
Click the Browse button to access your hard drive to find the graphic to be uploaded.
This image should not be larger than 400 x 400 pixels to fit within the slide area.
Once you are done creating a slide, you will be taken back to the Slide Show page listing the contents of your current slide show.
Notice that each time you create a slide, it is added to the table on the page.
You can re-sort your slides by clicking the arrows at the left of each slide name.
Clicking one of the arrows moves the slide up one or down one position in the slide list.
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How Do I Schedule a
(If your company has elected to enable the Multimedia WebMeeting feature, you will see a Slide Show Library link in the left WebMeeting menu.)
The Schedule a WebMeeting process includes a help page for each step of the process.
Click each ? graphic to get detailed information about each step of the scheduling process.
You schedule a WebMeeting by clicking the Schedule link of the WebMeeting menu.
First, select the date, time, and duration of your WebMeeting.
(Note that you cannot have more than one WebMeeting scheduled at the same time.)
Next choose whether you want a multimedia (slide show) or audio-only WebMeeting.
Decide if you want your listeners to participate in a poll.
Finally, select how you want your WebMeeting to be initiated.
Choose an option from: I've rented a conference bridge; I want WebMeeting to call me; or I will call the WebMeeting system.
If you selected Multimedia, the next page will allow you to select which slide show to use for this WebMeeting.
If you selected Audio-only, you will continue to the last step of scheduling a WebMeeting.
The last step of scheduling asks for more details about your WebMeeting.
Follow the instructions for each part of this last step.
Click the ? graphics to get detailed information.
You must supply a valid email address for the system to send you confirmation and summary information.
This address is also used if a listener clicks the Email the Host link from the Listening page.
Use the Choose button to change the host photo that will be displayed for this WebMeeting.
A host photo is optional. If you do not have a photo, a default image will be displayed instead.
If you would like to have additional access restrictions to your WebMeeting, enter a password for the WebMeeting.
This will restrict access so that only those people to whom you supply the password can listen.
The password can be a combination of letters and numbers between one and fifteen characters in length.
Leave the box blank if you do not want a password on this WebMeeting.
The final page presents your WebMeeting settings and provides a chance to either Confirm the WebMeeting or Cancel the scheduling session.
You must confirm the WebMeeting in order for the WebMeeting to be scheduled.
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How Do I Edit
a Scheduled WebMeeting?
You can make changes between the time you schedule a WebMeeting and the time you host the WebMeeting.
Click on the Manage link in the left WebMeeting menu.
Find your WebMeeting and click the View/Edit link.
You will be taken through a series of web pages like the ones you used when you scheduled your WebMeeting.
Complete the entire process, changing those items you wish to change.
The final page presents your WebMeeting settings and provides a chance to either Confirm the WebMeeting or Cancel the editing session.
You must confirm the WebMeeting in order for your changes to be saved.
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How Do I Delete
a Scheduled WebMeeting?
You may have reason to delete a scheduled WebMeeting.
To do so, click the Manage link in the left WebMeeting menu.
Find the WebMeeting you wish to delete.
Click the delete link in the Delete column.
Another browser window will pop-up with the message: Are you sure you want to delete this WebMeeting? You will not be able to recover it.
If you are sure about this action, click the Yes button. Otherwise, click No.
When you delete the WebMeeting it no longer appears in the table.
If you wish to schedule another WebMeeting you must use the Schedule a WebMeeting process.
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How Do I Host a WebMeeting?
You can host a WebMeeting from any page within the system by clicking the Manage link on the left menu in the WebMeeting section.
This will take you to the WebMeeting Management page where you can select the Host link for your scheduled meeting.
Notice the countdown timer to inform you of when your meeting is scheduled to begin.
While you shouldn't begin to host your WebMeeting until the scheduled time, you do not have to wait until the scheduled time before clicking the Host link; you may click it anytime you wish.
Once you click the Host link you will be taken to the Hosting page.
Again, notice the countdown timer on this page.
On the Hosting page you will see several options across the top, beginning with a Start WebMeeting button.
When you are ready to begin your WebMeeting click the Start WebMeeting button.
If you scheduled your meeting using the Conference Bridge or Call Me options, the system will call the number you provided when you scheduled the WebMeeting.
If you selected the I Will Call option, the system will give you instructions for calling the WebMeeting system.
If you selected the Automatic Start option when you scheduled the WebMeeting, you do not need to click the Start WebMeeting button.
The system will automatically call at the scheduled time.
Regardless of how your call is initiated, you will present your WebMeeting by talking on your telephone handset.
As you speak, it will be broadcast across the Internet and your listeners can hear you with only a few seconds delay between the time you speak and the time they receive the sound on their computers.
The countdown timer changes to reflect how much time remains for your WebMeeting.
If you are hosting a Multimedia WebMeeting, the slides for the slide show you selected during scheduling appear on the left.
You may preview the slides before you begin.
The first slide will not appear to the listeners until after you begin speaking on your telephone handset and you click a slide link.
A slide will be displayed to the listeners as soon as you click the link for that slide.
The archive version of the WebMeeting will display the slides synchronized with your voice exactly as you recorded the live version.
For additional information click the Help link at the top of the Hosting page.
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How Do I Continue
a WebMeeting if I Get Disconnected?
When you click the Start WebMeeting button from the Hosting page, a small pop up window is displayed.
This small pop up window includes information needed to reconnect to your WebMeeting if the telephone line between you and the system is somehow interrupted.
If you can't find this pop up window, click the Start WebMeeting button on the Hosting page again.
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How Do I View Listener
During a live WebMeeting, the area on the Hosting page on the right side below the host photo will indicate to the host when a new Listener Question has been submitted.
Clicking on the Listener Questions link will open a pop up window that displays all of the Listener Questions for this WebMeeting.
Additionally, the Listener Questions will be included in the summary e-mail that is e-mailed following the live WebMeeting to the host's e-mail address.
The host can also access the Listener Questions online by clicking Manage on the left WebMeeting menu and then clicking the Edit link for the specific WebMeeting.
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How Do I Obtain Poll Results?
Your WebMeeting will include a poll only if you set up a poll at the time you scheduled the WebMeeting.
During a live WebMeeting, clicking on the Poll Results link at the top of the Hosting page will open a pop up window that displays the current results of the Listener Poll.
In the pop up window, you can click the Reload Results link to view updated results.
Additionally, the Poll Results will be included in the summary e-mail that is e-mailed following the live WebMeeting to the host's e-mail address.
The host can also access the Poll Results online by clicking Manage on the left WebMeeting menu and then clicking the Edit link for the specific WebMeeting.
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How Do I Get
the Statistics from my WebMeeting?
During a live WebMeeting, you can click the Statistics link at the top of the Hosting page to view the names of those currently listening to your WebMeeting.
This page displays whether or not the listener is currently listening to the live version or if the user elected to listen from the beginning (thereby listening to the archived version).
This page also displays the total number of current listeners, the peak number of listeners, and the total number of connections that have been made to the WebMeeting.
Additional statistics can be calculated following the live WebMeeting by using the summary e-mail that is sent to the e-mail address of the host after the live WebMeeting has completed and the links on the left menu in the Reports section.
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How Do I Get
a List of the Guests Names and Email that Attended?
A list of those who listened to the live WebMeeting will be included in the summary e-mail that is e-mailed following the live WebMeeting to the host's e-mail address.
The host can also see who has listened to a WebMeeting he or she hosted by clicking on the Guest Traffic and User Traffic links in the Reports menu on the left.
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How Do I Publish or Remove a WebMeeting?
Click the Manage link on the left menu in the WebMeeting section.
This is the WebMeeting Management page.
You can click a Publish link to publish a specific WebMeeting to your Business Site.
You can click a Remove link to remove a specific WebMeeting from your Business Site.
When you publish a WebMeeting to your Business Site (whether or not it was hosted by you), the minutes used by people who listen to it from your Business Site will be debited from your Listening Minutes Account.
Click the Listening Minutes link on the left menu in the Reports section to see the details of your Listening Minutes Account.
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How Do I Select A Different Business Site Style?
If your company has elected to provide multiple Business Site templates, you will see a My Business Site Style link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
You can select the style of your Business Site by clicking the My Business Site Style link.
Select an entry from the drop down list.
The sample Business Site image will change based on the entry you select.
Once you decide on a style for your Business Site, click the Select This Style button to save your selection.
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How Do I Add Custom Text?
If your company has elected to enable the Custom Text feature, you will see an Add Custom Text link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
You can add your own text to your Business Site by clicking the Add Custom Text link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
This option allows you to add up to 1500 characters of text to your Business Site.
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How Do I Select Corporate Text?
If your company has elected to enable the Corporate Text feature, you will see a Select Corporate Text link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
Click the Select Corporate Text link.
This option allows you to select a pre-written corporate text selection to add to your Business Site.
You may also select None to display no corporate text selection.
Use the View Text link to preview the selections that are available.
Click on the radio button of the selection you would like on your Business Site, and then click the Submit button to save your selection.
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How Do I Upload an Image?
If your company has elected to enable the Upload Image feature, you will see an Upload Image link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
You can identify an image to be displayed on your Business Site by clicking the Upload Image link.
The image that you select should be 150 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall.
There are two ways to place an image on your Business Site.
You can either upload an image from your hard drive or point to an image that is already posted somewhere on the Internet.
To upload an image from your hard drive, click the Browse button.
Find the image file on your hard drive and select it, then click on Open.
Once you have found the file, click the Upload button next to the Browse button to copy your image file to the WebMeeting system.
To point to an image that is already posted somewhere on the Internet, find the exact website address for the image you want to display (do not use the website address for the page that the image is on).
For example, the website address should be something like http://www.infotraxsys.com/index_images/logo_corner.gif rather than just http://www.infotraxsys.com.
The optimum graphic filesize is under 10KB.
Filesizes under 20KB are acceptable.
Filesizes that are 20KB - 60KB should be avoided.
Filesizes over 60KB should not be used.
We encourage you to comply with all international copyright laws when using this feature.
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How Do I Add Favorite Links?
If your company has elected to enable the Favorite Links feature, you will see an Add Favorite Links link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
Click the Add Favorite Links link.
You may enter up to ten names and website addresses to be displayed on your Business Site.
The Name will be displayed and selecting the Name from your Business Site will send the user to the website address associated with that Name.
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How Do I Change Business Site Address?
If your company has elected to enable the Business Site Address feature, you will see a My Business Site Address link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
Your Business Site address is the website address used to access your Business Site on the Internet.
You can change your Business Site address by clicking the My Business Site Address link.
This option allows you to select a name for your Business Site.
The website address is in the format of http://YourCompanysSite/YourSiteName.
If you don't change your Business Site address, the system will assign a default address based on your username.
If your company has elected to enable the feature, you can also access your Business Site by using the Distributor ID that you supplied during registration.
This website address is in the format of http://YourCompanySite/YourDistributorID.
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How Do I Change My Contact Information?
If your company has elected to enable the Contact Information feature, you will see an Edit Contact Information link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
You can change the contact information displayed on your Business Site by clicking the Edit Contact Information link on the left menu in the My Business Site section.
The current information displayed on your Business Site is shown in the boxes provided on this page.
You are able to modify your name and e-mail address.
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How Do I Find Out Who Listened from My Business Site?
Click on the Guest Traffic link on the left menu in the Reports section.
This report has two drop down lists.
One list includes all of the WebMeetings that are currently published on your Business Site.
The other list includes the last six calendar months.
Select the WebMeeting and month for which you would like a report and click the Submit button.
The report will list the Business Site guests who listened to this WebMeeting during the month selected.
The report lists the last visit date of each guest along with his or her name, e-mail address, and number of visits.
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How Do I Find Out Which Registered Users Have Listened To WebMeetings I Hosted?
Click on the User Traffic link on the left menu in the Reports section.
This report has two drop down lists.
One list includes all of the WebMeetings that you have hosted in the last six months.
The other list includes the last six calendar months.
Select the WebMeeting and month for which you would like a report and click the Submit button.
The report will list the registered members who listened to this WebMeeting during the month selected. The report lists the last visit date of each registered user along with his or her name, e-mail address, and number of visits.
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How Do I Find How My Listening Minutes Were Used?
Your selected billing package likely includes some number of free listening minutes and a fee for time spent listening beyond that number of free minutes.
Listening minutes are used either by your personal listening to WebMeetings or by your guests listening to WebMeeting from your Business Site.
Click the Listening Minutes link on the left menu in the Reports section.
This report has a drop down list that includes all of the billing cycles since your registration.
Select the billing cycle you would like to display and click the Select button.
The report will display the title, date listened, minutes used, name of the listener and the listener's e-mail address of each WebMeeting for which listening minutes were debited from your Listening Minutes Account.
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How Do I Find Out What WebMeetings I Hosted?
Your selected billing package likely includes a fee for each WebMeeting that you host.
Click the Hosting Minutes link on the left menu in the Reports section.
This report has a drop down list that includes all of the billing cycles since your registration.
Select the billing cycle you would like to display and click the Select button.
The report will display the title, date and duration of each WebMeeting for which you should have been billed.
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Distributor Information
This shows your personal information as it is currently recorded in LegalShield Databases. Information includes:
Distributor Name/ID | Sponsor Name/ID |
Co-Applicant | Distributor Status |
Address | Renewal Date |
Day Phone | Last Activity |
Evening Phone | Past Paid Rank |
Fax Number | Permanent Rank |
E-mail Address | |
In addition, volume information for the past three months is displayed along with your A/R Balance.
If any of this information is incorrect, contact support at the number or address specified on the Support Page.
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Genealogy Report
The Genealogy Report allows you to access information about your downline. There are two reports available; Totals Report and Detailed Report. The number of levels to report can be selected for each report.
Totals Report
The Totals Report gives a snapshot of your downline activity at a given moment. The latest Totals Report is available for viewing by clicking the link located under the "Genealogies" title. This report is updated by running the Totals Report from this screen. Depending on the number of Distributors in the downline and the number of levels selected, this report can take as long as 20 minutes to run. The following information is available in this report:
Number of Distributor | New Distributor this month |
Number of active Distributor | Distributor Enrolled |
Percentage of active Distributor | PGV TOTAL last bonus run |
New Distributor last month | PGV TOTAL current period |
Detailed Report
The Detailed Report gives a Distributor-by-Distributor view of the downline along with selected information about those Distributor. The Detailed Report is available immediately for viewing from the reports page. By default, the following information is displayed for each Distributor:
Distributor ID
Last Activity
E-mail Address (if Available)
O2O Registration
Detailed Report Settings
The Detailed Report allows two additional settings to customize the report.
Select Columns
There are many options to the additional information that is available to be displayed about the Distributor. You may select any or none of the options. After selecting the "Select Columns" check box and clicking on "Submit" the following list of options are presented.
Line Number | State |
Levels | Country |
| Distributor Status |
Address | Rank |
Distributor ID Number | Enrolled ID |
Day Phone | Last Volume Period (Month Year) |
Evening Phone | Current Volume Period (Month Year) |
Fax | Next Personal Volume Period (Month Year) |
Additionally there are selections for borders, font size and if the items selected are to be the default settings for future Detailed Reports.
Create Report for Someone in my Downline
By filling the box, you can create the report based on someone in you downline being in the starting position. You may enter any one of three identifiers to indicate the starting Distributor for the report. You may enter first and last name, Distributor ID, or phone number.
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WorldWide Downline
This report is the same as the Detailed Report with the addition of all of the LegalShield Marketing Units worldwide. The options are the same as the Detailed Report.
Select Columns
There are many options to the additional information that is available to be displayed about the Distributor. You may select any or none of the options. After selecting the "Select Columns" check box and clicking on "Submit" the following list of options are presented.
Line Number | State |
Levels | Country |
Name | Distributor Status |
| Address |
Distributor ID Number | Enrolled ID |
Day Phone | Last Volume Period (Month Year) |
Evening Phone | Current Volume Period (Month Year) |
Fax | Next Personal Volume Period (Month Year) |
Additionally there are selections for borders, font size and if the items selected are to be the default settings for future Detailed Reports.
Create Report for Someone in my Downline
By filling the box, you can create the report based on someone in you downline being in the starting position. You may enter any one of three identifiers to indicate the starting Distributor. You may enter first and last name, Distributor ID, or phone number.
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Upline Listing
This section provides information about all of the Distributor in your upline. By clicking on the mail icon, you can send an e-mail to a Distributor.
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Account Inquiry
Account inquiry allows you to look at the current status of your A/R. By clicking on the order number, you can retrieve specific information about an order.
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Order & Package Tracking
Order Tracking allows you to view and track your past orders.
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Product Listing
This option displays all of the products with their item codes, wholesale price and volume price.
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Place an Order
This option allows you to place an order for LegalShield products.
First, select the country that you are ordering from.
On the following page, select if the order is to be wholesale or retail. Also, answer the question regarding 70% compliance. Begin entering the product codes and quantity of the products that you want to order. When you are finished, click on "Calculate Order."
Check the ship to address for completeness and correctness, then click on "Continue". The next screen will show you a summary of the order information. If you are satisfied that everything is correct, click on "Enter Payment Information". Enter your payment information and click on "Submit Order".
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Sponsor Distributor
This option allows you to enter information for a new Distributor that you sponsor.
First, choose the country where the new Distributor resides. Fill out the form with the information of the new Distributor and click on "Submit Application". Please note the fields that are required. The application cannot be processed without the correct information in these fields.
The computer will prompt you to print out the application and have it signed by the new Distributor. It must then be mailed to LegalShield to complete the registration process. If LegalShield does not receive the form within 30 days, the new account will be suspended.
To print the form, click on "Distributor Agreement". You will need to have Acrobat Reader installed in order to print the form. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, click on the "Get Acrobat Reader". To print the form within Acrobat Reader, click on the printer icon.
Check all information for completeness and correctness. Make a note of the new Distributor's ID. This will need to be entered on the Application. . Fill out the information and send the form to LegalShield.
Once the application has been printed and filled out, click on the "Application Verified" button. Enter the payment information for the Distributor kit and then click on "Continue". The Distributor kit will be sent to the new Distributor.
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AutoShip Orders
This option allows you to create new AutoShip order(s) and allows you to view your monthly AutoShip Order(s).
AutoShip is a great feature that allows you to create orders and have them sent out automatically on a monthly
basis. AutoShip orders are a great tool for you and your downline to ensure that you meet your monthly
qualifications and also help maintain activity.
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What is the Voicecast Fax number?
1-888-266-6897 If this number does not work then please email us at: [email protected] with your company, ID, and time you tried.
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What types of services does Voicecast offer?
A personal toll free number, with the capability of holding eight recruiting messages and eight fax on demand documents
A mailbox that allows you to receive voice and fax mail from potential customers as well as from other associates and the corporate office
The ability to send messages to group lists, your entire downine or to select portions of your downline
A "follow me" service that enables a caller to speak directly to the mailbox owner
Call screening is also provided to screen out unwanted calls
Full internet access to the system
A cardless calling card, allowing you to easily make calls from a payphone or hotel
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How do I get instructions on using the system?
Instructions on using the system can be found on the login page of this website, or can be emailed or faxed to you by emailing or calling customer service at [email protected] or .
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How do I know how much usage time I have?
Your usage time is the number of minutes that have been spent on your system, either by you or people calling your toll-free number. The cost is billed in six second increments. You can review your usage time on the phone system by selecting option five, "Account Setup," then pressing number five, "Review Monthly Usage." You can review your usage online by clicking on Reports in the left hand menu.
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I am receiving a message that my account in delinquent. What should I do?
The message on your system indicates that there has been a problem with your monthly billing. Please contact customer service by email at [email protected] or by phone at .
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How do I use and set up the follow me feature?
- Benefits and uses of "Follow Me".
- Number anonymity.
- Contacts call your toll-free number to reach you and never know what your direct numbers are.
- You can change your direct numbers, such as your home, office, cell, or other numbers, at any time.
- Choose when to receive calls on your home, office, and other numbers.
- You may enable and disable the follow me feature at any time.
- Call screening
- When you answer a call coming from your Engage then you can choose to take the call or send the caller to voice mail.
- To learn how to set up follow me, click the Follow Me/Notify link in the menu on the left.
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How do I add another prerecorded message?
To add another prerecorded message, login to the system and then press number five, "Account Setup," then press number seven, "Engage Maintenance." Then press the pound key to skip to the next prerecorded message or press three to record your own message. Once you have skipped to the message number that you would like, press two to select the message.
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Can I change back and forth between the prerecorded messages at any time?
You are able to change the message on your system at any time. You may record your own message, or use one of the messages already on the system. The prerecorded messages will not be erased by recording your own message or by switching to another message on the system, unless your company has removed that prerecorded message from its database.
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What do I do if my messages won't play over the internet?
What does a caller hear when they dial up my personal toll-free number?
- The first thing that a caller hears is a greeting. It may be a personalized greeting that you have recorded or the standard greeting.
- After the greeting, if you have set up any business messages, faxes, or the "follow-me" service, there will be different menus for the caller to choose from. You do not need to build the different menus because they are set up automatically. Giving prompts for the caller is not necessary. Also note that if you have set up only one business message and no faxes nor "follow-me," the business message will follow directly after the greeting without giving the caller a prompt.
- Option one on the menu for the caller: To hear business messages: Business (Recruiting) Messages: You may have up to 8 different messages on your number. Each message is given a name so that the caller can choose which one to listen to. Option one in this menu will always be for them leave a message or a fax, so the first business message you set up will be under option two. The messages are arranged in the order that you set them up.
- Option two on the menu for the caller: To receive business faxes: Business Faxes: You may have up to 8 different faxes on your number. This is a "fax on demand" for the people who call in for information. Each fax will have a name, and when the caller chooses the fax they will hear 3 options: 1-receive now; 2-receive at the end of the call; 3- receive to an alternate number. Please note that in order to choose options 1 and 2, you must be dialing from a fax machine.
- Option three on the menu for the caller: To leave a message or a fax
- Option four on the menu for the caller: To contact the Engage owner: This is the "follow-me" option, which allows the caller to directly contact you at a specified number.
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How long do messages remain on my account?
A new message will remain on your account for 7 days and if it not reviewed will be deleted. If you save a message, it will be there for 14 days, and after that time if the message is not resaved then it will be deleted. You may resave a message an unlimited number of times. Messages reviewed over the internet are automatically saved when listened to. Messages that are deleted are removed completely from the system and cannot be retrieved.
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Am I charged per minute for corporate and upline messages?
The only time that the per minute rate is charged on your number is when a person picks up the phone and dials your toll-free number. A broadcast message sent to your account does not cost you any money unless you dial your own personal toll-free number in order to listen to the message.
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